Judo & Education

For Sabrina, it is always incredible to see how the passion for judo, along with its high values, ethics, and moral concepts, can spread. After their education, young talented individuals return to their own country and can pass on the same high values that were imparted to them in Japan. And so the wonderful circle of education closes.

 Without the right to proper education, the values of freedom, justice, and equality have no meaning. A good education is the perfect way to bridge the gap between different cultures and reconcile them. Ignorance is by far the greatest danger and threat to humanity.”

Sabrina Filzmoser’s overarching goal is to support children and young people, regardless of age, gender, religion, tradition, or nationality, so that they can address and respect topics such as anti-doping, integrity, clean sports, careers, communication, governance, discrimination, proper procedures, and protection from harassment and abuse. In Nepal, for example, the status of women is low, which can be attributed to economic, legal, sociocultural, political, and institutional factors that are interlinked, mutually reinforcing, and centuries old. The caste system of the country has strongly influenced the situation of women, as it determines access to resources and opportunities.

To improve the status of women, they must be equipped with the necessary skills, attitudes, and values to advance professionally, allowing them to compete equally with men. As the confidence of girls and women grows, they gain more opportunities to fight for something, opening their minds as well as the minds of their families, relatives, and friends – step by step.