Judo for Peace
How can a so-called “combat sport” become a peace-promoting development tool? What makes judo special?
When the Japanese educator and athlete Jigorō Kanō (1860-1938) developed judo, he primarily wanted to create a new sport where skill was more important than size and sheer strength. “Maximum efficiency with minimum effort” was Kanō’s main principle. Thus, judo emerged from the combination of two simple elements:
- “ju,” meaning “gentle”;
- “do,” meaning “way.”
Sabrina firmly believes in Judo for Peace. It is an undeniable fact that many of the world’s problems today are caused by poverty, unemployment, and masses of young people who end up in a state of inactivity, isolation, and a life without meaning or purpose.
„Judo can be the answer to the question of ‘why’—why I do it, why I try, why I live my life with purpose. Peaceful fighting and training through qualified instructors have proven to be a great means against the exclusion of young people.”“